Clean Logo Artwork- How do you get clean artwork to have your logo reproduced$%: Most small companies have their logo in jpeg form that they use to paste onto their invoices or use for a quick flyer, etc. This form is usable but not the best form they could be. If you want to have your logo reproduced for promotional advertising products you will probably have to pay the advertising company to clean up your art which could be $55 or more each time you have something printed. Having your logo clean and ready to be reproduced is worth the time and initial investment. Whether you paid for a logo to be created or you created it in your word processing program or your neighbor drew it up for you it has the potential to be professional looking, as it should be; it is representing your company.
To get clean logo artwork, look for a graphic artist who will clean up your logo and work to supply you with useable formats. I suggest those listed below:
- First, request a vector form or your logo, Encapsulated PostScript (EPS). This is a standard file format for importing and exporting graphics files. This format is universally acceptable and small enough to email easily as an attachment.
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- If the logo is not available in vector format you should request a Portable Document Format (PDF). This is readable through Adobe Acrobat Reader and also is a small, universally acceptable format.
- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is important for you to have if you would like to have a website.
- The company should also supply you with a jpeg or bitmap format so you can use it easily for small jobs such as adding it to your invoices or flyers you create.
- Be sure to ask for a (Hard Copy) or printout.
- If your logo has colors get the Pantone colors used. This will insure consistent color reproduction of your logo. (Pantone, Inc. is the world-renowned authority on color and provider of color systems.)
When your get your logo back you will not be able to open up all of these formats of your logo but they are very important to have on hand.
I realize all of these new terms seem overwhelming but believe me they will pay off in the long run and - who can't use more education.